Lately our lives have consisted of reptiles, reptiles, and more reptiles. Oh and one arachnid. (Our seven year old begged and pleaded for months for a rose haired tarantula) I love photography and I love animals, mix the two together and we have found one great hobby.
Today we have 31 pets in total and awaiting for 7 more to hatch out. I am not only refereed to as the "photographer lady" any more, but also "the crazy snake lady" ahahaha. <3 Life has been a busy and love filled ride these past few months as we have broadened our breeding projects, continued with college life, and I began a new job.
I have gotten several questions about my availability but I thought a simple " My summer is almost booked" was not enough of reply. I also thought a small look into my home life would give you guys a better understanding of why my sessions are creative fun and sometimes a little over the top, because, well, they fit who I am as a person. If I stay true to my personality, our end product is an amazing work of art that will forever be yours to cherish.
I am a unique person, as are you. You deserve unique photos to match who you are. ;)
Here is a glimpse into our reptile collection.
Lucy: Veiled Chameleon
Astrid (Toothless is her "husband" as my girls put it):
Red Eyed Crocodile Skink
Susie: Bumble Bee Ball Python
Spaz: Black Pewter Ball Python
No name yet: Black Pastel Ball Python Het for Orange Ghost
Hermes: Crested Gecko
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