Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Other Hobby

Lately our lives have consisted of reptiles, reptiles, and more reptiles.  Oh and one arachnid. (Our seven year old begged and pleaded for months for a rose haired tarantula)   I love photography and I love animals, mix the two together and we have found one great hobby.   

Today we have 31 pets in total and awaiting for 7 more to hatch out.  I am not only refereed to as the "photographer lady" any more, but also "the crazy snake lady" ahahaha.  <3  Life has been a busy and love filled ride these past few months as we have broadened our breeding projects, continued with college life, and I began a new job.  

I have gotten several questions about my availability but I thought a simple " My summer is almost booked" was not enough of reply.  I also thought a small look into my home life would give you guys a better understanding of why my sessions are creative fun and sometimes a little over the top, because, well, they fit who I am as a person.  If I stay true to my personality, our end product is an amazing work of art that will forever be yours to cherish. 

I am a unique person, as are you.  You deserve unique photos to match who you are.  ;) 

Here is a glimpse into our reptile collection.  

Lucy: Veiled Chameleon 

Astrid (Toothless is her "husband" as my girls put it):
Red Eyed Crocodile Skink

 Susie: Bumble Bee Ball Python

 Spaz:  Black Pewter Ball Python

No name yet:  Black Pastel Ball Python Het for Orange Ghost

 Hermes: Crested Gecko 

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